


Posted on Thursday, February 07, 2008 | By Kaye | In

Dear Blog- reader,

Welcome to my page !
I do hope you read on and I pray it serves as a blessing to you. If you find yourself encouraged and blessed, then I have not laboured in vain, so to speak. I just have one purpose for PURE FAITH - I just wanted to share you my experiences with Him from day to day and to let you know that He isn't a mythical figure, that our God is alive in our midst, today, that He has redeemed you by His blood and that He is offering us Salvation and eternal life with Him if we choose to. It's free !

As we all know, the internet is an excellent medium of sending messages across to thousands & thousands of people, so I thought to myself somehow, someone would stumble upon this blog and...well, it just might change somebody's life, or even give a glimmer of light & hope to somebody's darkness, a timely encouragement perhaps ? so I said, why not ?

I remember when I started this blog, two years ago- I really don't know where to start, I don't even know what to name it. But then- I thought the meaning of my name KATHERINE means PURE and I'll be blogging about my FAITH in the Lord I decided on the title of PURE FAITH.

And this year will be year 3 for my blog and I am really glad it lasted this long. Also, I've decided to steer clear of putting ads in this one because the focus should be the sharing...and according to my stats, which I decided to keep to myself, I'm having a fair share of readership.
I have tweaked my template, as you can see, but I still have some stuff I'd like to add on's a slow process as I am not really a pro, it's a series of trial & error. But it's all good. I'm happy.

Thanks blog- reader, for taking the time and I truly hope somehow you found something useful and helpful whilst browsing my page.
God bless you !


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