Posted on Sunday, December 14, 2008 | By Kaye | In
As I was reading through the archives of PF, I suddenly felt overwhelmed. I again was reminded of how good God is to me, how He manifests His attributes of being a father, friend, Lord and Saviour, a knight- in- shining armour, a Healer, Jehovah-Jireh- in my life. He was all those things and I feel honoured by His constant presence. Sometimes, it feels like it's just the two of us, just Him and me...although I know He is the same with every believer out there, still I feel special when He is around.
It is such a privelege, such an honour that in this lifetime, God has stepped into my life and like the faithful potter- slowly worked on the clay until His vision of me in his mind is slowly moulded and manifested bit by bit within and without.
I was a tough clay to work on, I resist every now and again yet His gentle persuasion won me over. He watered my 'self ' down with His word. He just didn't give up on me. I was unworthy and an infidel but He looked beyond the clay and now I just cannot thank Him enough. There are no words, even my own flimsy version of love can never match His'.
I remember, when I was still living in the Philippines- we were so short on cash, that night we got nothing to eat, there was nothing in the pantry at all and I don't have a single cent on me. So, I was very much distressed as I have four mouths to feed. So, I prayed and asked Him to provide us something for tea...then after an hour my brother in law (who lives an hour away) came and gave us 150 pesos, he didn't even talk to me- he told my daughter he was passing by and just handed her the money. Praise the Lord.
Again, when I was processing our papers for immigrating here in NZ- my daughter, my son and I were in Manila, it was pouring hard and we have an appointment to keep. I was carrying my son on my left arm, holding a huge sack of clothes on the other, my eldest daughter was carrying a knapsack on her back and a pram. We travelled five hours on the bus and my son was burning with fever.
So, I just muttered a prayer under my breathe- if the Lord could halt the rain til we get to our destination and - it did immediately! I was so relieved. The thing was- we need to ride three jeepneys as well as do a bit of walking before we reach the embassy.
So, what happened? everytime we were on the jeep, the rain poured and just when we're about to get off- it stops and that happened the whole day. It never occured to me as coincidental because the pouring of the rain worked like clockwork. It was a supernatural act from the supernatural God, amen.
And one of my favourite testimonies was when I was having trouble with my left foot...I was suffering for two years, the soles of my foot was so sore I limp when I walk and as I was walking along the footpath, I realized- hey, I do not have to suffer from this, the God that I serve is the healer ! and I just prayed a simple prayer- the pain went right there and then and it never came back. Amen.
I decided to share some of the things God has done for me because you can have the same experiences, dear friend. God's promises is not limited to an elite group of people- it is for all of us, for all who believe in Him. If you think you are unworthy- well, who is worthy?
There is only One who is worthy and He paid for it all. The worthy One was nailed to the cross to pay our debts in full and His blood satisfied the law. When the father looks on the book of debtors -our names are not in it. Jesus Christ, God himself wiped the slate clean.
Now, the same God who worked miracles in the lives of His children can move in yours this very minute but He could do more if you let Him- He could change you. He is the only one who can.
If you're starting to feel you've had enough of this world, if you feel there's something missing in your life despite having it all- then the Lord is undoubtedly calling you...He is knocking on the door of your heart.
If you are thirsting and hungering, if deep down in your heart you feel that you want to serve Him then answer His call and take up your cross, follow the Lord. And let me say how it is never a burden, blog-reader...His load is the lightest of all loads and if at times you feel weighted, He will even carry it for you. In fact, God has done all the work, He finished it all. Victory is ours, all His promises are ours. We only need to have faith in Him.
Let God be God in your life, don't hold Him back from pouring His blessings on you because it is His joy to do so.
The world offers nothing but deception and death, everything this world offers is temporal- it won't last. What God offers us however, is eternal: to spend our lives with Him, to eternally have peace, rest, and happiness. Imagine, one day you'll see Him face to face- the One who were a father, a saviour, a friend , a healer to you- you'll get to embrace Him and say 'Thank you, Lord for saving me'.
As for me and many others- I'm sure we all can't wait for that day to come.
God bless you.
It is such a privelege, such an honour that in this lifetime, God has stepped into my life and like the faithful potter- slowly worked on the clay until His vision of me in his mind is slowly moulded and manifested bit by bit within and without.
I was a tough clay to work on, I resist every now and again yet His gentle persuasion won me over. He watered my 'self ' down with His word. He just didn't give up on me. I was unworthy and an infidel but He looked beyond the clay and now I just cannot thank Him enough. There are no words, even my own flimsy version of love can never match His'.
I remember, when I was still living in the Philippines- we were so short on cash, that night we got nothing to eat, there was nothing in the pantry at all and I don't have a single cent on me. So, I was very much distressed as I have four mouths to feed. So, I prayed and asked Him to provide us something for tea...then after an hour my brother in law (who lives an hour away) came and gave us 150 pesos, he didn't even talk to me- he told my daughter he was passing by and just handed her the money. Praise the Lord.
Again, when I was processing our papers for immigrating here in NZ- my daughter, my son and I were in Manila, it was pouring hard and we have an appointment to keep. I was carrying my son on my left arm, holding a huge sack of clothes on the other, my eldest daughter was carrying a knapsack on her back and a pram. We travelled five hours on the bus and my son was burning with fever.
So, I just muttered a prayer under my breathe- if the Lord could halt the rain til we get to our destination and - it did immediately! I was so relieved. The thing was- we need to ride three jeepneys as well as do a bit of walking before we reach the embassy.
So, what happened? everytime we were on the jeep, the rain poured and just when we're about to get off- it stops and that happened the whole day. It never occured to me as coincidental because the pouring of the rain worked like clockwork. It was a supernatural act from the supernatural God, amen.
And one of my favourite testimonies was when I was having trouble with my left foot...I was suffering for two years, the soles of my foot was so sore I limp when I walk and as I was walking along the footpath, I realized- hey, I do not have to suffer from this, the God that I serve is the healer ! and I just prayed a simple prayer- the pain went right there and then and it never came back. Amen.
I decided to share some of the things God has done for me because you can have the same experiences, dear friend. God's promises is not limited to an elite group of people- it is for all of us, for all who believe in Him. If you think you are unworthy- well, who is worthy?
There is only One who is worthy and He paid for it all. The worthy One was nailed to the cross to pay our debts in full and His blood satisfied the law. When the father looks on the book of debtors -our names are not in it. Jesus Christ, God himself wiped the slate clean.
Now, the same God who worked miracles in the lives of His children can move in yours this very minute but He could do more if you let Him- He could change you. He is the only one who can.
If you're starting to feel you've had enough of this world, if you feel there's something missing in your life despite having it all- then the Lord is undoubtedly calling you...He is knocking on the door of your heart.
If you are thirsting and hungering, if deep down in your heart you feel that you want to serve Him then answer His call and take up your cross, follow the Lord. And let me say how it is never a burden, blog-reader...His load is the lightest of all loads and if at times you feel weighted, He will even carry it for you. In fact, God has done all the work, He finished it all. Victory is ours, all His promises are ours. We only need to have faith in Him.
Let God be God in your life, don't hold Him back from pouring His blessings on you because it is His joy to do so.
The world offers nothing but deception and death, everything this world offers is temporal- it won't last. What God offers us however, is eternal: to spend our lives with Him, to eternally have peace, rest, and happiness. Imagine, one day you'll see Him face to face- the One who were a father, a saviour, a friend , a healer to you- you'll get to embrace Him and say 'Thank you, Lord for saving me'.
As for me and many others- I'm sure we all can't wait for that day to come.
God bless you.
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