

Acceptance with Joy

Posted on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 | By Kaye | In

I am currently re-reading my favourite book: Hinds Feet on High Places by H.Hurnard and the Lord always uses it to bless and encourage me- I highly recommend it. It is a beautiful story and it really captured how God is to His children. I cried heaps with every chapter because it reflected back on my own spiritual journey.

See, the allegory is about how Much-Afraid (the name of the main character of the book) took on a journey to the high mountains where the Lord lives and in the process, her weaknesses and her personal will is slowly being weaned off of her and she slowly aligned to God's word and perfect will. That sounds a bit vague doesn't it? you have to read the book, it is a handful to ever explain so I do hope you would try to read it.
 I, stopped for awhile (to savor the moment) on the part where the main character prayed to the Lord and uttered " I am Lord, Acceptance-with-Joy..." that statement really spoke to my heart. Much-Afraid has reached the point where she can embrace everything that the Lord wanted her to experience, she no longer was questioning nor bitter and she made an altar to God, laid down her self-will and spoke those words. She has learnt to accept difficult circumstances with gladness of heart. 

I think that is a really powerful moment and I know for myself how that truth can parallel in real life. And before you doubt it- Yes, it is possible. It is possible to face even the most dreadful of all situations and say the very same thing to the Lord- "Here I am Lord, Acceptance-with-Joy".  And when we reach that stage of maturity where we can utter those words- it is not from a heart of helpless resignation to fate or to a higher order but rather out of a trusting relationship with Jesus Christ. You just trust Him with your very life- your mortal life and spiritual life. 
You have the revelation that He is the potter and we are the clay, you are confident enough to take His promises on board, you know Him enough to trust where the good Shepherd leads you- no matter why, how or where...for His glory, amen. I think that is a reflection of God's love and the Bride's union with Christ- when we just follow wherever He leads. 
That is a manifestation of Christ's spirit- remember when He was led to the cross, He obeyed His word. His flesh moaned but the will of God in Him prevailed, amen...and now we are all heirs of eternal life because of that. Through His death, we have life. 
He is the greatest example of all and now fellow christians- it is our turn. By ourselves, we cannot even obey the slightest of His word and I am sure we would resent every uncomely thing that passes our way, but because we have a portion of God in us, we are now able to overcome all- even death is of no consequence to us.

This reminded me also of Abraham when he offered Isaac, I am sure Abraham felt and trusted the same way- it seemed to be an impossible request to sacrifice your only child, horrific even especially for a parent, but Abraham's self-will is just fully surrendered to Christ that he would do it, despite his own emotions. And by foreknowledge, God knows he will obey, I suppose that is why He asked such a request. 

Friend, I believe there are some things that happen in a christian's life which are hard to explain or may outwardly appear to be against the tide of blessing and positiveness and thus we judge it as not from the Lord. There are some life circumstances that the carnal mind just cannot grasp or comprehend- but always remind yourself that God has a purpose to everything- may it be to demonstrate His power and attributes or to save souls, we do not always know but the Lord's ways are not like our ways:

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD." Isaiah 55:8

Let us not measure how God thinks by our own...I know sometimes we do, that is the flesh, see. 
One thing I know is true- that we are all clay to God's wonderful hands and if He needs to use us, then so be it, amen, let us yield to Him. His purpose is always for the good and for the better...just trust Him with Godly trust, that is all we need to do. For those who has not yet reached that stage, do not be dismayed- that time in your life will come for it was foreordained to happen. God's words will not return to Him in vain. Trust the One who created you :)

May the good Lord open your ears to hear, amen.


Comments (2)

Thank you for your words. All the best.

Glad it was a blessing Margo :) thank you for taking the time to read and to comment. God bless you.

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